Journal of an Artist Residency / Miles to date 4,171/ Primary Carbon Footprint to date 1,139 kg = 1.139 tonnes

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Everybody's talking (is anybody listening?)

The issue of branding the Burren which I have raised on the Shifting Ground website (see rural culture section) is bringing in some really interesting responses, but all of them by phone or to my face; no-one wants to go public with their thoughts.

It's a sad world we live in, where people who interface with officialdom must self-censor in order to be able to continue with their work. Probably the most informed person to respond is of the opinion that Branding of Place is a done deal, and trying to argue against it is like trying to hold back the tide. I don't think that's a good enough reason not to speak up myself, but I get the point.

So far, most responses have been respectful, agreeing or agreeing to disagree; some comments have been angry and attacking which I just don't understand. So we disagree - what need is there for ire?

It certainly all relates to my MA proposal; Theme Park Ireland or the corporatisation of everything.

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